
4G Wetlands


4G Wetlands

它以其近700英里的海滩和它在大西洋和墨西哥湾之间的位置而闻名, 令人惊讶的是,佛罗里达州是美国人口最多的地区之一.S. 它依靠地下水,而不是地表水来满足其淡水需求.

In fact, the Floridian Aquifer that lies beneath Florida (and portions of three other states) is filled with large portions of freshwater, 这使得将管道插入地下并抽取看似无限供应的淡水成为可能, into communities. For years, that’s been the common practice for most of the state – there are more than a million wells inserted into the aquifer today, 帮助提供更多 90 percent 该州的淡水资源.

在过去的几个世纪里,阳光之州的人口不断增长,达到了2000多万, 使其成为该国人口第三多的地方-地下水的数量正在减少, 主要是在佛罗里达含水层的上部, 达到了一个临界点. 如果不改变水管理做法, 上佛罗里达含水层, 哪个支持超过7美元.50亿美元的农业资金,为1000万人提供饮用水,面临枯竭.

解决人们日益关注的地下水枯竭问题, 帕斯科县公用事业公司和佛罗里达西南水管理区开发了一个再生水项目, 被称为4G湿地.

Since 2010, Jacobs, 以及帕斯科县公用事业公司和佛罗里达西南水管理区, 是否提供了全方位的设计, permitting and services during construction for the 4G Wetlands – a multifunctional project constructed on privately-owned property and consisting of a 176-acre groundwater recharge wetland system built on uplands pastures – reverses groundwater drawdowns in areas affected by public water supply wellfields in southwest Florida.

  • 176


  • 2.5 M

    people and $7.50亿美元用于农业,获得更可持续的水供应

  • 90 %

    佛罗里达的淡水供应有一半是由佛罗里达含水层提供的, 通过4G湿地充电

  • 6 x


“这个创新的再生水项目促进了更全面的流域管理方法. 改善生态严重退化地区的能力, coupled with recharging the Upper Floridan aquifer that will provide for a more sustainable water supply for the 2.坦帕湾地区的500万人, 作为如何更好地管理所有淡水资源的一个例子.”

Jeffrey Harris



该项目拥有176英亩的人造湿地栖息地, 获6项大奖,与高速无线网络同名:4G湿地.

设计用于与新建的建筑物协同工作, 5亿加仑的再生水水库,以平衡潮湿天气的供应和干燥天气的需求, the 4G Wetlands system is sized to receive five million gallons of reclaimed water per day to passively recharge the surficial and Upper Floridan aquifers, 同时通过自然生物处理保护水质. 除了对含水层和区域水资源的好处之外, the project will restore the ecological functions of the historically degraded onsite lakes and wetlands and create 176 acres of new wildlife habitat within the 15 constructed wetland cells.

The wetlands are an important component of the region’s objective to provide recharge in an area of hydrologic stress. The 4G Wetlands – the largest groundwater recharge wetland in the world – includes a range of wetland ecotones that will be sustained naturally over the long term by ecologically appropriate and carefully controlled water-level operation. The grading and planting plans build on existing cell topography to minimize earthmoving and establish plant communities adapted to varying water depths within each cell. 项目计划中为每个区域选择的物种都是基于这些参数, 比如深海中漂浮的水生物种, 沼泽地带的新兴湿地物种, 浅水区的柏树和沿水边护堤的过渡性草.

The natural wetlands in the area are expected to significantly benefit from the additional recharge with no discharge from the facility to surface waters. 湿地细胞的自然设计与自然环境融为一体, 创造生物多样性,并提供大量额外的野生动物栖息地. 湿地细胞也自然地改善了水质, 包括去除再生水中固有的硝酸盐氮, 保护地下水及邻近地表水水质. Water quality improvements occur through biological processes of wetland surface and soil treatment as water infiltrates through the wetland subsoils protecting aquifer water quality.

The 4G Wetlands system life-cycle costs are expected to be approximately half of what a conventional system would have cost to Pasco County, making it an example of sustainable water management and further demonstrating the value of how organizations can utilize public-private partnerships to maximize the benefits of water reuse, 并将这宝贵的资源用于其最高目的:生态和供水.

In 2018, 水环境联合会授予该项目年度项目优秀奖之一, 哪些项目和计划在水务部门的执行中表现卓越和创新.


  • 2017年佛罗里达水环境协会的David W. 约克年度最佳水再利用项目奖.
  • 2017坦帕湾环境专业人士协会环境优秀奖.
  • 2017年国际绿苹果环保最佳实践奖.
  • 2018年国家清洁水机构协会国家环境成就奖.
  • 2018 American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientist Excellence in Environmental Engineering Honor Award for Design.